Friday, November 6, 2009


islam is a Barbaric 7th Century Arabic Tribal Political Ideology intent on subjugating All of Mankind under its Tyranny.

After much study of islam, this is the definition I've come up with to most accurately describe what much of the world calls a "religion".

Common Political Correctness today says that we can't criticize a "religion" (at least none besides Christianity and Judaism). So, this blog won't be very PC. But, a little Truth seems to be a good and necessary thing every once in awhile, even (or especially) in our idiotic, self-destructive, PC environment in the world today.

Therefore, I'm posting my definition of islam, and welcome dialogue with anyone who would like to discuss it. It is well past time for the world's inhabitants to begin having a Reasonable and Truthful discussion about the True Nature of this political ideology which is intent on making the rest of mankind either convert to it, be enslaved under it, or be annihilated by it.

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