Sunday, November 29, 2009

global warming? NOT

Well, any Thinking Person who's been following the so-called "global warming" saga the past decade or so, Knows that it's just a Fascist Hoax, being perpetrated by Fascists of the world and paid for by "their loyal subjects", the taxpayers.

THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING. PERIOD. It is just not happening! Those who keep track of global temperatures, tell us that the global temperature has increased by a whopping .7 degree Celsius over the past century. Yep, that's right, a whopping .7 degree in the past one hundred years, and most of that took place before 1941, before the rapid rise in CO2, which the World Fascists claim is soon to cause "catastrophic global warming". Oh my, Oh my, the sky is falling! We'll all be under water soon when all the ice suddenly melts. (although The Facts state that none of that is happening)

Any Thinking Person, who researches The Facts, instead of relying on the MSM (mainstream media) or Hollywood pulp fiction (the Gore/Moore mockumentaries), knows its all been a Global Hoax, intended to give the Fascists control over the rest of us.

How would it give them control? They'll take all our money and "redistribute the wealth", as Zero says. Their intent is to make everyone, except the ruling elite of course, poor. The poor don't have the time or the resources to rebel against the tyrants. That's their hope, at least.

But, the Good News is, before we're completely under the control of the fascists, we can take action against them, by Never Relaxing The Pressure on our Elected Officials (in the USA). Pick up the phone and Call those bozos! Several times a month. Let them know YOU'RE NOT some gullible wimp who believes whatever propaganda they feed the masses. Let them know YOU ACTUALLY THINK FOR YOURSELF. And Let them Know You're Not Gonna Let them pass some fascist cap-and-tax bill. IT'S TIME TO BOOT THE FASCISTS OUT OF CONGRESS, OUT OF THE ADMINISTRATION!

By now you're aware of ClimateGate, the exposure of "climate scientists" Faking The Facts. Good article about that on To The Point News,, the site of Jack Wheeler. If you're not a regular reader of that site, You Should Be! Anyway check out the video below for a good laugh at a Very Serious Subject.

And Remember, KEEP UP THE PRESSURE ON YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS, or we'll be folded into the global fascist government under the auspices of the UN. It's coming, but there's nothing like a Good Fight to get the blood pumping. Are You Ready? Let's Rumble! I'm not ready to let the fascists take over just yet. I was born a Free Person. I plan to Die That Way also. And, as far as it depends on me, I'm gonna leave A Free Nation for my children and theirs.

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