Friday, November 6, 2009

Ft Hood Masacre

Here's a stunning example of our Politically Correct society. 43 people killed and wounded because our military not only allows, but encourages, moslems to enlist in our armed forces. Well, this murdering major enlisted. The American people paid for his schooling. And now he kills our soldiers.

This would only be a surprise to a fool. Ever since 9/11 when President Bush began tripping over himself to ensure us that islam was a "religion of peace" every sensible person on Planet Earth knew this was a lie.

islam is not, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be, a "religion of peace". Read the koran if you don't believe me. I won't get into that more in this posting, but if you actually believe islam is a religion of peace, we need to talk, that is, if you care about Truth.

Recruiting moslems into our military is the same as if during World War II our military had actively recruited Nazis to become part of our military and fight alongside us as we tried to destroy Hitler's German war machine.

I don't know how to state it any more clearly, but we are the enemy of moslems. Anyone who is not a moslem is their enemy. I didn't say this. Mohamed did. or the angel Gabriel or whoever the prophet heard it from. According to islam, Mankind is divided into two "houses" or spheres. There is "the house of islam" and "the house of war". If you're not part of the first, you're part of the second, and islam is at war with you until you are defeated. I didn't say it. moslems did and do.

islam is at war with The World, or more accurately, the non-moslem world. This is nothing new. It has been going on for 1400 years. For 14 centuries, islam has been at war with the rest of mankind.

Many talk about "the war in Iraq". Excuse me, but this is but a battle in islam's 1400 year war against the non-moslem world. The West, America, did not start this war. But we did finally decide to fire some shots of our own instead of just sitting and letting islam do all the damage to us.

There comes a time when it's time to fight back. 2003 was one of those times. 2001 in Afghanistan was one of those times.

We, America, The West, are not at war with islam! islam is at war with America, The West, Israel, and everyone else who has not yet bowed the knee to their demon god allah.

moslems like to whine about the crusades, and how terrible those Europeans were for invading their lands. But what they don't tell us is that those crusades against them were only launched after more than 400 years of moslem aggression against Asia and Europe. 400 years is a long patience.

moslems like to say that The West is again launching crusades against them in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they're correct! Americans finally got tired of putting up with moslem attacks against us, so we took the battle to the moslems. We'll fight on their home turf for awhile.

I for one will be Glad to quit fighting moslems, just as soon as they decide to quit trying to subjugate the world, my world, America, under them. But as long as islam is intent on killing or enslaving the rest of mankind under their sharia law, I will fight.

I like my country, America. I like Freedom, Liberty, Democracy, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, Free Enterprise, the Capitalist system. Basically, I like everything which islam despises. islam cannot exist in a democracy or a republic. islam is tyrannical by its nature. sharia law is tyrannical law. islam enslaves people, even its fellow moslems. islam is slavery, both to its adherents and to those who refuse to bow the knee to allah.

I have nothing against people worshiping another god. That's their problem. If they choose to worship false gods, they are Free in America to do that. But what I will not tolerate is people trying to force me to worship their false gods. I draw the line there! I will not force you to worship THE ONE TRUE GOD. You do not try to force me to worship your false gods.

I can live at peace with my neighbor no matter what they worship, as long as what they worship does not encroach on my way of life. They start to encroach, we're gonna have problems.

So, you want to worship your demon allah. Go for it! (although I can guarantee you you won't be happy in his paradise, unless you like lakes of burning fire) But go ahead and worship him. pray five times a day to him (he lives in the east you know). fast for ramadan. make a pilgrimage to mecca. I don't care. You're Free to worship your god, in this Land of The Free. But DO NOT try to impose your worship or way of life on me. You do that, we're gonna fight, to the death if necessary. It's The Land of The Free AND The Home of The Brave. I will not live in fear of your terrorism. Intimidate all you will, but you will not scare me, or any Free People who care about Liberty more than life itself. I intend to pass on a Free America to my children and their children, and I will not live in fear of any form of jihad.

You want to die in jihad trying to kill those evil infidels? Well, I'll be glad to help you die if you try to kill my infidel family or neighbors or any other Americans or Free People around The World. We will see whose god wins. I already know the outcome. I don't know when it will happen or what happens before that, but I already know WHO Wins. Read the book of Revelation in The Bible if you want to see the end of the story. And then, if you want to know more about THE GOD of The Bible, YHWH, ELOHIM, let me know. I'll be glad to share HIS Good News with You.

1 comment:

Era Vet VN said...

Thank you brother for your service
in the Nam. Welcome Home Brother.
I am but just an VNEra Veteran.
Ft.Hood was an Islamic attack against America. I am a Jap/Am
I am a transplant from Japan. Born
in Japan back in 1948. Post war
love child. Was adopted by two
beautiful people. Was naturalized
back in 1953. I am an American first, a Jap second. email address

Semper Fi brother